The link to GoFundMe is:
Maple Cross and West Hyde are fundraising to install a certified air quality monitoring station to help inform and protect everyone in the area. The station is permanent and the funding includes a two year servicing and calibration contract. Data on dangerous PM1, 2.5, and 10 particulates, plus NO2 will be collected in real time and made available via the cloud to local charities, schools and other interest organisations for research and educational purposes. Why should you care? About 35,000 people in Ricky, Mill End, Maple Cross and West Hyde live immediately downwind of the vast HS2 construction project which is acknowledged to be a huge emitter of extremely harmful pollution. We also live by the M25 and several other highly congested roads. The Office of National Statistics says that an average girl born in this area in 2020 will die at least three years younger than her parents just because of local air pollution. We can’t work miracles, but knowing the levels where we live, work and go to school allows development to be planned and adapted to not make things worse. Currently, there is just one outdated Nitrogen monitoring tube (which doesn’t provide real time or trend data) “protecting” the entire area. This leaves the council powerless to protect us from crazy pollution generating schemes because it literally has no data to argue with. All we need is one proper, certified (with a type rating from the UK Govt’s own Air Quality Consultants) to completely change the conversation. A well recognised UK company has offered us the opportunity to secure a certified monitoring station at a very low price for professional equipment - we are from one of the lowest income areas in the county: we receive no support or funding from any organisations but we’re fighting for everyone across the area. Please help if you can, we will be truly grateful for your donation.
The link to the GoFundMe page is: